
評分3.5(7,168)又一个堕入黑暗的后裔,来自标志性的《失忆症》系列游戏制作团队。穿越悲哀与绝望的痛彻心扉之旅,探索人类坚韧的极限。还提供了冒险模式,适合那些想要体验剧情和冒险, ...,評分3.5(7,148)·供應中Afirst-personhorroradventure.UncoveryourpastandsurvivetheAlgeriandesert.Fearisyourenemy;staycalmtonotsuccumbtoanillnessthreatening ...,評分3.5(7,168)Exploreenvironmentsanduncovertheirhistories.Overc...

Steam 上的Amnesia: Rebirth

評分 3.5 (7,168) 又一个堕入黑暗的后裔,来自标志性的《失忆症》系列游戏制作团队。穿越悲哀与绝望的痛彻心扉之旅,探索人类坚韧的极限。还提供了冒险模式,适合那些想要体验剧情和冒险, ...

Amnesia: Rebirth

評分 3.5 (7,148) · 供應中 A first-person horror adventure. Uncover your past and survive the Algerian desert. Fear is your enemy; stay calm to not succumb to an illness threatening ...


評分 3.5 (7,168) Explore environments and uncover their histories. Overcome puzzles that stand in your way. Carefully manage your limited resources, both physical and mental.

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評分 3.5 (7,082) · 供應中 購買Amnesia Rebirth. 整週特價!剩餘時間00:00:39. -85%. $29.99. $4.49. 加入購物車. 購買Amnesia Re-collection 組合包 (?). 購買此組合包,全部4 項產品立即省15%!

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評分 3.5 (7,040) · 供應中 處理器: Core i3 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz; 記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體; 顯示卡: OpenGL 4.0, Nvidia GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5750 / Intel HD 630